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Anansi - The Trickster Spider -  Volume Two (eBook)

Anansi - The Trickster Spider - Volume Two (eBook)


This page includes free PDF downloads that can be used on their own or as an extension activity to support our second collection of eight Anansi the trickster spider stories. Each story can be read in approximately ten minutes, making them ideal for reading at bedtime or for story time in school. The stories retold in this book are: 

• How Anansi missed four parties in one night
• Anansi invites Turtle to tea
• How Anansi, Fly and Ant won the sun
• Anansi and the talking melon
• Anansi and the moss covered rock
• Why Anansi has thin, long legs
• Anansi and the field of corn
• Anansi and the tug of war

We hope you enjoy our activity sheets and please do send us a photo of your completed artwork; we'd love to include it in our gallery. 

How Anansi Misses Four Parties In One Night


Not all Anansi's plans are fool proof

Anansi Invites Turtle to Tea


Delight in Anansi learning the lesson that not everyone is easily fooled

How Anansi, Fly And Ant Won The Sun


Working together great things can be achieved

Anansi And The Talking Melon


A tale of talking melons and other fruit 

Anansi And The Moss Covered Rock


Anansi finds out what it's like to be at the wrong end of a trick

Why Anansi Has Thin, Long Kegs


Ever wondered why spiders have long legs?

Anansi And The Field Of Corn


Not all tricks go the way Anansi the trickster plans 

Anansi And The Tug Of War


Anansi proves size doesn't matter

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